Monday, February 25, 2013

Lil' Lords and Princesses.

I'm creating a Children's Story book for one of my classes. Here are the two main characters of the story. Princess Cake and Lord Doof. Lord Doof finds that there are other things more appealing than being evil.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Saw the movie Paranorman. Total fell in love with the character design. I want to work for Laika so bad. Their movies are fantastic. Anyways: shy girl.

An illustration I had submitted for a coffee sleeve design. The point behind it was the foot steps would loop around the entire sleeve putting the detective in an endless loop of snooping. Sadly it wasn't chosen. Oh wells.

Cute little sticker I had made for my friend's environmental project? unsure as to what exactly he was doing but I made this anyway! The Grey Bat needs help!
Did an editorial illustration for my advanced digital illustration class. We were given a choice of three songs (i chose working class hero.) This isn't the end product but rather some character designs for the final piece. Tried to make them look really wired.